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What is Bloating and Gas?
Bloating and gas occur when the digestive system has trouble breaking down certain foods, leading to an uncomfortable buildup of air in the stomach and intestines. This build up can lead to uncomfortable swelling and distension in the abdomen. While occasional bloating is normal, chronic bloating and gas can be a clue for underlying gut issues.
Common triggers include food intolerances, imbalances in gut bacteria, and poor digestion. Identifying and addressing such root causes can help alleviate bloating and gas long-term.
Our Approach to Bloating and Gas
We take a comprehensive approach to addressing the root causes of bloating and gas, helping you find relief and restore healthy digestion. Here’s how we work with our clients:
Reset strategies for immediate relief
We start by implementing short-term strategies – such as dietary adjustments and digestive support – to relieve discomfort and reduce gas and bloating.Functional testing to identify root causes
Functional lab testing – such as stool and breath tests, help us uncover underlying imbalances that contribute to chronic bloating and gas, such as food intolerances, gut infections or overgrowths such as SIBO.Addressing the root causes
We create personalized recommendations based on your lab test results that may include diet changes, lifestyle modifications, and targeted supplements like digestive enzymes, probiotics, or herbal antimicrobials to improve digestion and reduce gas production.Long-term strategies for sustained gut health
We focus on achieving lasting solutions by optimizing your digestion. This includes dietary support, lifestyle changes and mind-body techniques that promote better gut motility and reduce the recurrence of bloating and gas.
Common Questions about Bloating and Gas
What causes bloating and gas?
The short answer is that bloating and gas are caused by excess gas production in the intestines. This can happen for several reasons, including these common causes:
Eating gassy or highly fermentable foods like FODMAPs (which stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols), carbonated drinks can cause bloating and gas. In some cases it’s simply caused by eating too fast, in large portions, or with poor posture, which hinders digestion.
Imbalances in gut bacteria, when your microbiome lacks the right bacteria to properly break down foods, or doesn’t produce sufficient enzymes for proper digestion.
Gut infections or bacterial overgrowths (such as H.pylori or SIBO), which cause excessive fermentation of certain foods.
Identifying the cause helps us create targeted interventions to eradicate the excess bloating and gas, and to take back control of your gut health. You can learn more detail on the different causes of bloating and gas here.
How can I relieve bloating quickly?
Excess gas and bloating can be incredibly uncomfortable. While we often need to identify its root causes, sometimes we just need to focus on immediate relief. Here are some strategies for quick relief from bloating and gas:
Avoid common food triggers: Reduce intake of high-FODMAP, dairy, gluten, raw vegetables, and other known triggers that can worsen bloating.
Take digestive enzymes: They can help break down food and ease bloating after meals.
Eat slowly and chew thoroughly: This promotes better digestion and reduces gas formation.
Use activated charcoal: It can help absorb excess gas and provide temporary relief from bloating when used occasionally.
What food causes bloating?
Foods that commonly cause bloating include:
High-FODMAP foods: Onions, garlic, and legumes, etc. which ferment in the gut and produce excess gas.
Dairy products: Containing lactose, which can trigger bloating in those with lactose intolerance.
Raw vegetables: High in insoluble fiber, making them difficult to digest.
Gluten-containing grains: Wheat, barley, and rye, which can cause bloating in sensitive individuals.
What our clients are saying
I feel cured, I can eat almost whatever I want without experimenting abdominal pain, I can go out with friends without being stressed about my guts. Thank you Christina, you literally changed my life.”
Benjamin (Occitanie, France)
“Thank you so much. I’d had moments of true despair, however now as my symptoms abate and my energy returns I’m overwhelmed by how fortunate I am to have found Mikaela and Bella. For this I will never be able to thank you enough.”
Emma (Kentucky, USA)
Our team of gut health specialists
At The Functional Gut Health Clinic, our team of gut health specialists has extensive experience in helping clients overcome bloating and gas. Many of our practitioners have faced their own digestive struggles, giving them a unique understanding of your journey – and a strong passion for helping to alleviate your struggles.With advanced training and a holistic approach to gut health, we’re committed to helping you uncover the root causes of your symptoms and guiding you toward long-term relief.
Bloating and Gas Knowledge Base Articles & Resources
Why Am I So Bloated and Gassy? Common Causes of Bloating I See Everyday
> What is bloating, what is normal and what isn’t?
> Triggers for bloating and gas that get all the blame but probably shouldn’t
> Functional reasons for bloating ang gas such as lack of digestive enzymes, stomach acid and microbial dysbiosis
> Underlying root causes of bloating and gas we can test for
> Things we can do in the short-term to manage bloating and gassy symptoms
The Top 5 Root Causes of IBS That You Need to Know About
IBS is not a single disease with a single cause. Here are the five that I most commonly see in my ‘IBS’ clients, including:
> What exactly is a ‘root cause’ and why is it so important?
> The top 5 root causes of IBS that your doctor probably isn’t testing for
> Why you likely have more than one root cause contributing to your IBS symptoms
How to Test for IBS Root Causes
Everything you need to know about the advances in functional testing for IBS, including:
> Why you need to test, not guess when it comes to IBS
> How to test for the most common root causes of IBS
> How to figure out which IBS testing you need and why you might need multiple tests
> Why we like to use the GI Map Stool Test as a great starting point for IBS clients
Safe Foods to Eat When Everything Upsets Your Gut
> Safe foods to eat when everything upsets your gut
> Foods to avoid to reduce IBS symptoms
> Meal strategies that calm and support digestion
> Short-term gut healing diets for symptom relief
> Why long-term solutions require addressing root causes
An additional guide about this unique form of SIBO, outlining:
> Why methane SIBO is different
> The methane SIBO and constipation connection
> Testing for methane SIBO
> Methane SIBO treatment
IBS Exercises: The best options for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
For IBS sufferers unsure about the best exercise options, it’s important to understand:
> The link between exercise, stress and IBS
> The evidence for exercising with IBS
> Why exercise can trigger IBS symptoms and why chronic cardio may not be the best idea
> What exercises work best for IBS
If you’re looking to work with a team of gut health experts, we’re here to help.
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